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Type: Article
Published: 2021-07-27
Page range: 179–189
Abstract views: 33
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Reinstatement of Aloe labiaflava (Asphodelaceae subfam. Alooideae), a distinctive species of maculate aloe endemic to the western Mpumalanga province of South Africa

Department of Botany, Nelson Mandela University, P.O. Box 77000, Gqeberha [Port Elizabeth], 6031 South Africa
Foundational Biodiversity Science Division, South African National Biodiversity Institute, Private Bag X101, Pretoria, 0001 South Africa, Department of Plant and Soil Sciences, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, 0002 South Africa
Monocots Aloe davyana Aloe longibracteata nomenclature taxonomy typification


The little-known Aloe labiaflava (Asphodelaceae subfam. Alooideae), which has for long been regarded as a hybrid between A. davyana and A. longibracteata, is reinstated as an accepted species endemic to a small area in the western Mpumalanga province of South Africa. It differs from both A. davyana and A. longibracteata in several reproductive morphological characters not present in these two species, especially by almost invariably producing only a single inflorescence per flowering season and by having a perianth that is distinctly flared at the mouth, with especially the external, apical ⅓ of the perianth conspicuously yellow.


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