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Type: Article
Published: 2021-07-27
Page range: 169–178
Abstract views: 85
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Siphula paramensis V. Marcano & L. Castillo (Icmadophilaceae, Lichenized Fungi), a new species from the high paramo in Venezuela

Laboratorio de Biología Evolutiva y de Organismos Extremos, Grupo de Ciencias Atmosféricas y el Espacio, Facultad de Ciencias, Programa de Ciencias Espaciales, Universidad de Los Andes, Mérida, Venezuela
Fungi lichen new species endemic species Venezuelan Andes


A new species of the genus Siphula is described from the Cordillera de Merida and Sierra La Culata in the Venezuelan Andes: Siphula paramensis V. Marcano & L. Castillo sp. nov. This species closely resembles Siphula subsimplex V. Marcano from the Guayana Highlands. Siphula paramensis differs by its very small thallus, obovoid or globuliform lobes, ochre-coloured, yellowish or whitish gray (in older thalli) surface, rugose, rounded and entire apices having usually reticulated lines, less thick cortex and shorter rhizines; the thalli are K–, C+ yellow, and P+ yellow in the cortex, and contain baeomycesic and squamatic acids. This is the Siphula species that grows at the highest altitude in Venezuela. It is considered to be endemic to the Venezuelan Andes.


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How to Cite

MARCANO, VICENTE. 2021. “<em>Siphula paramensis</em> V. Marcano &Amp; L. Castillo (Icmadophilaceae, Lichenized Fungi), a New Species from the High Paramo in Venezuela”. Phytotaxa 512 (3):169–178.