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Type: Article
Published: 2021-06-25
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An updated checklist and quantitative analysis of the Marmarica Plateau flora, in the north-eastern part of Libya

Department of Botany, Faculty of Arts and Science, Al-Abyar Branch, Benghazi University, Libya.
Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, Benghazi University, Benghazi, Libya.
Department of Botany, Faculty of Arts and Science, Al-Abyar Branch, Benghazi University, Libya.
conservation endemism, floristic composition historical botanical survey Libyan Flora plant life-form General


The Marmarica Plateau, which is situated on both sides of the Libyan-Egyptian border, has significant historical and ecological importance. Nevertheless, its botanical components have not been updated or reviewed recently. This paper aims to study the floristic composition of the plateau on the Libyan side by a comprehensive review of the five most detailed studies conducted in the area during the period 1930−2008. The study area covers only 3.4% of the Libyan territory, while the plant inventory at the species level comprises 31% (642/2082) of the National flora. Plant life-form is dominated by therophytes (60.7%) and chamaephytes (23.7%). Seven taxa are new records for the Libyan flora, 14 are alien, 28 were cultivated, and 37 taxa are endemic or near-endemic to the Libyan flora and nearby countries. A total of 225 taxa have not been recorded since 1930, which revealed that they are scarce and may have gone locally extinct due to climatic and unsustainable anthropogenic stresses. Another possibility is that these taxa may be incorrectly identified in the original publications, and this data have never been updated. The present study highlighted the richness and importance of the flora in the Libyan part of the Marmarica Plateau, necessitating conservation intervention, particularly for protecting endemic and rare plants and the biodiversity hotspots.


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