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Type: Article
Published: 2021-06-18
Page range: 85–92
Abstract views: 37
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Leucogaster solidus sp. nov. (Albatrellaceae, Russulales) from China

College of Life Science, Capital Normal University, Xisanhuanbeilu 105, Haidian, Beijing 100048, China
College of Life Science, Capital Normal University, Xisanhuanbeilu 105, Haidian, Beijing 100048, China
College of Life Science, Capital Normal University, Xisanhuanbeilu 105, Haidian, Beijing 100048, China
Basidiomycota hypogeous DNA sequence false truffle taxonomy Fungi


Leucogaster solidus sp. nov. from southern China is described and illustrated. This species is characterized by the brown to reddish brown and verrucose basidiome, non-gelatinous gleba, thin peridium and trama, and large, globose to subglobose basidiospores with alveolate ornamentation. Phylogenetic analysis supports its taxonomic position in the genus Leucogaster.


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