Seven species of Eugenia from eastern littoral forests in Madagascar are newly proposed. Six occur in or near the forests of Petriky, Mandena, or Sainte Luce near Tolagnaro in the southeast, including Eugenia guajavoides, Eugenia manonae, Eugenia petrikensis, Eugenia stictophylla, Eugenia roseopetiolata and Eugenia stibephylla. The seventh, Eugenia vanwykiana, occurs in the Analabe littoral forest near Lac Sahaka in the northeast. Descriptions and diagnostic field characters are provided for each species. Conservation threat analyses based on IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria suggest the status of Endangered for Eugenia guajavoides, E. petrikensis, E. stictophylla, E. roseopetiolata, and E. vanwykiana, and Vulnerable for E. manonae and E. stibephylla. A provisional key to species of Eugenia from the Tolagnaro region is provided.