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Type: Monograph
Published: 2020-10-22
Page range: 1–61
Abstract views: 124
PDF downloaded: 5

Advances towards the completion of the Anthurium Flora of Central America (Araceae, Pothoideae): contribution of thirty-one new species from Guatemala, Costa Rica and Panama

Herbario PMA & Departamento de Botánica, Universidad de Panamá, Estafeta Universitaria Panama City, Panama Coiba Scientific Station (COIBA AIP), Clayton, Panama City, Panama
Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, Missouri 63166-0299, USA
Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, Missouri 63166-0299, USA
Herbario Luis Fournier Origgi (USJ), Universidad de Costa Rica, San José, Costa Rica
Aroids Antioquia Darién Parque Internacional de La Amistad Talamanca Taxonomy Monocots


In the present paper, we include the description of 31 new species from Guatemala, Costa Rica and Panama (including one from the Panama-Colombia border), which are distributed in eight sections. The sections represented and the number of species per section are as follows: Andiphilum (two), Belolonchium (five), Calomystrium (five), Cardiolonchium (eight), Decurrentia (one), Pachyneurium (eight), Polyneurium (one) and Tetraspermium (one). Additionally, three Central American taxa are now considered to be distinct at the species level and are here elevated to specific rank; Anthurium arcuatum, A. fogdeniorum, and A. copense. Notes on habitat, conservation status, taxonomy and morphology are provided for each species as well as illustrations.

How to Cite

ORTIZ, ORLANDO O., THOMAS B. CROAT, ROBERT HORMELL, and MARCO CEDEÑO-FONSECA. 2020. “Advances towards the Completion of the <em>Anthurium</em> Flora of Central America (Araceae, Pothoideae): Contribution of Thirty-One New Species from Guatemala, Costa Rica and Panama”. Phytotaxa 467 (1):1–61.