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Type: Article
Published: 2020-06-02
Page range: 220–228
Abstract views: 49
PDF downloaded: 2

New and endemic species of Brachymenium (Bryaceae, Bryophyta) in the Atlantic Rainforest of Brazil

Instituto de Botânica, Av. Miguel Stéfano, 3687-CEP 04301902 São Paulo, SP, Brazil.
Instituto de Botânica, Av. Miguel Stéfano, 3687-CEP 04301902 São Paulo, SP, Brazil.
Acrocarpous mosses Bryales Bryophyte Neotropic Taxonomy


The present study describes and illustrates two newly identified moss species of Brachymenium, endemic to the Atlantic Rainforest of the South and Southeastern regions of Brazil. The first is Brachymenium elimbatum, a medium-sized plant with leaf apex ending in a short to long arista, margins not bordered, plane, entire, costa tapering above and sub-percurrent. The second is Brachymenium sublineare, a medium-sized plant with leaves often asymmetrically curved in the distal half, margins bordered by 1–3 rows of narrow rectangular cells and serrate at distal half, costa short-excurrent, flagelliform branches occasionally present and exostome teeth sub-linear. A key is presented with the most similar Brazilian Brachymenium species.

How to Cite

CANESTRARO, BIANCA KALINOWSKI, and DENILSON FERNANDES PERALTA. 2020. “New and Endemic Species of<em> Brachymenium </Em>(Bryaceae, Bryophyta) in the Atlantic Rainforest of Brazil”. Phytotaxa 446 (4):220–228.