The African genus Desmostachys s.l. is split in two, Desmostachys s.s. from Madagascar and the Comoros, with one species, and the new genus Vadensea from continental Africa, with four species. A synopsis of the latter genus is presented, with the necessary new combinations and the description of a new species, Vadensea testui. Desmostachys is characterised by asymmetrical and compressed pyrenes with a bumpy endocarp, petals glabrous inside and free, a linear stigma, a 5-lobulate disk, inflorescences with spirally arranged flowers and bracts present at most nodes, and a climbing habit. Vadensea has the pyrenes symmetrical, not compressed and with a reticulate endocarp, the petals hairy inside and often connate, a capitate stigma, a disk either cupular or absent, inflorescences with distichously arranged flowers and bracts absent or present at the lowest node only, and a usually arborescent or shrubby habit (occasionally climbing in one species).