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Type: Articles
Published: 2011-05-26
Page range: 33-38
Abstract views: 77
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New combinations and a new species of Eriogonum (Polygonaceae: Eriogonoideae) from the Great Basin Desert, United States


Three new species of Eriogonum have been identified from field research and ongoing molecular systematic analysis of selected members of Eriogonum subg. Eucycla. Eriogonum alexanderae, formerly recognized as a variety of E. ochrocephalum or subsumed within E. crosbyae, warrants species-level designation. Eriogonum calcareum, also previously recognized as a variety of E. ochrocephalum, shares many affinities with the narrowly distributed E. novonudum, however range and morphology do not overlap between these two species. Eriogonum crosbyae var. mystrium shares a more similar evolutionary history to E. crosbyae, rather than E. prociduum, thus a new combination is proposed. Eriogonum domitum is described as a new species. This isolated taxon from west-central Utah is no longer thought to be a member of E. mancum, differing in morphological characters, geographic distribution and molecular information.

How to Cite

Grady, B. R., and J. L. Reveal. 2011. “New Combinations and a New Species of Eriogonum (Polygonaceae: Eriogonoideae) from the Great Basin Desert, United States”. Phytotaxa 24 (1):33-38.