The genus Pecluma M. G. Price (1983: 109) comprises terrestrial, epiphytic or epilithic ferns, usually medium-sized. Currently, 40 species belonging to the genus are recognized, occurring in the warmer parts of the New World, from Florida to northern Argentina, with a unique set of characteristics: short-creeping, non-glaucous rhizomes with basifixed, pseudopeltate to peltate scales, often terete stipes and rachises, pinnatisect or pectinate-pinnatifid blades with numerous linear or narrowly deltate segments, and sterile lamina parts with acicular cells beside multicellular branched or unbranched glandular hairs (Price 1983; Hennipman et al. 1990; Moran 1995, Assis et al. 2016).
<p class="Reference">Assis, F.C. Almeida, T.E., Russell, S.J., Schneider, H. & Salino, A. (2016) Molecular Phylogeny and recircumscription of the Fern Genus <em>Pecluma</em> (Polypodiaceae-Polypodiopsida). <em>Phytotaxa </em>63: 641–642.</p><p class="Reference">Evans, A.M. (1969) Interspecific relationships in the Polypodium pectinatum-plumula complex. <em>Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden</em> 55: 193–293.</p><p class="Reference"> https://doi.org/10.2307/2395127</p><p class="Reference">Fée, A.L.A. (1869)<em> Cryptogames vasculaires (fougeÌres, lycopodiaceìes, hydropteìrideìes, equiseìtaceìes) du Brésil matériaux pour une flore générale de ce pays</em>. Paris: J. B. BaillieÌre et Fils, 267 pp.</p><p class="Reference">Hennipman, E., Veldhoen, P., Kramer, K.U. & Price, M.G. (1990) Polypodiaceae. <em>In: </em>Kubitzki, K. (Ed.) <em>The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants. </em>Volume I. Springer-Verlag, New York, pp. 203–230.</p><p class="Reference">Kessler, M. & Smith, A.R. (2005) Seven new species, 13 new combinations, and one new name of Polypodiaceae from Bolivia. <em>Candollea </em>60: 271–288.</p><p class="Reference">Langsdorff, G.H. & Fischer, F.E.L. (1810) <em>Plantes recueilles pendant le voyage des Russes autour du monde: expeìdition dirigeìe par M</em>. de Krusenstern. Tubingue, Chez J.G. Cotta, 26 pp + 30 plates.</p><p class="Reference"> http://dx.doi.org/10.3931/e-rara-17045</p><p class="Reference">Martinez, O.G., Assis, F.C., Meza Torres E.I., Cacharani, D.A. & Jaimez, D.G. (2016) <em>Pecluma</em>. <em>In:</em> Ponce, M.M. & Arana, M.D. (Coord.) <em>Flora Argentina</em>. Volumen 2. Licofitas, Helechos, Gymnospermae. Buenos Aires, Instituto de Botánica Darwinion, pp. 252–258.</p><p class="Reference">McNeill, J., Barrie, F.R., Buck, W.R., Demoulin, V., Greuter, W., Hawksworth, D.L., Herendeen, P.S., Knapp, S., Marhold, K., Prado, J., Prud’homme van Reine, W.F., Smith, G.F., Wiersema, J.H. & Turland, N.J. (2012) International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (Melbourne Code): adopted by the Eighteenth International Botanical Congress Melbourne, Australia, July 2011. <em>Regnum Vegetabile</em> 154: 1–274.</p><p class="Reference">Moran, R.C. (1995) <em>Pecluma</em>. <em>In: </em>Davidse, G., Sousa, M. & Knapp, S. (Ed.) <em>Flora Mesoamericana. Psilotaceae a Salvinaceae. </em>Ciudad de México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, pp. 341–345.</p><p class="Reference">Price, M.G. (1983) <em>Pecluma</em>, a New Tropical American fern genus. <em>American Fern Journal </em>73: 109–116.</p><p class="Reference"> https://doi.org/10.2307/1546961</p><p>Triana-Moreno, L.A. (2015) Catálogo comentado de las especies de <em>Pecluma</em> (Polypodiaceae) de Colombia. <em>Boletín Científico. Centro de Museos. Museo de Historia Natural</em> 19: 17–59.</p>