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Type: Article
Published: 2018-08-16
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Revision of the Synechococcales (Cyanobacteria) through recognition of four families including Oculatellaceae fam. nov. and Trichocoleaceae fam. nov. and six new genera containing 14 species

Department of Biology, John Carroll University, 1 John Carroll Blvd., University Heights, Ohio 44118, USA Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences, New Mexico State University, Skeen Hall Room N127, P.O Box 30003 MSC 3Q, Las Cruces, New Mexico 88003, USA
Department of Biology, John Carroll University, 1 John Carroll Blvd., University Heights, Ohio 44118, USA Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, University of South Bohemia, 31 Branišovská, 37005 České Budějovice, Czech Republic
Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences, New Mexico State University, Skeen Hall Room N127, P.O Box 30003 MSC 3Q, Las Cruces, New Mexico 88003, USA
Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Hradec Králové, Rokitanského 62, 500 03 Hradec Králové, Czech Republic
Department of Biology, John Carroll University, 1 John Carroll Blvd., University Heights, Ohio 44118, USA
Algae Pegethrix Drouetiella Cartusia Tildeniella Komarkovaea Kaiparowitsia Timaviella Oculatellaceae Leptolyngbyaceae Prochlorotrichaceae Trichocoleaceae 16S rRNA phylogeny rpoC1 phylogeny 16S rRNA synapomorphy cyanobacteria taxonomy


A total of 48 strains of thin, filamentous cyanobacteria in Synechococcales were studied by sequencing 16S rRNA and rpoC1 sequence fragments. We also carefully characterized a subset of these by morphology. Phylogenetic analysis of the 16S rRNA gene data using Bayesian inference of a large Synechococcales alignment (345 OTU’s) was in agreement with the phylogeny based on the rpoC1 gene for 59 OTU’s. Both indicated that the large family-level grouping formerly classified as the Leptolyngbyaceae could be further divided into four family-level clades. Two of these family-level clades have been recognized previously as Leptolyngbyaceae and Prochlorotrichaceae. Oculatellaceae fam. nov. and Trichocoleaceae fam. nov. are proposed for the other two families. The Oculatellaceae was studied in greater detail, and six new genera containing 14 species were characterized and named. These new taxa are: Pegethrix botrychoides, P. olivacea, P. convoluta, P. indistincta, Drouetiella lurida, D. hepatica, D. fasciculata, Cartusia fontana, Tildeniella torsiva, T. nuda, Komarkovaea angustata, Kaiparowitsia implicata, Timaviella obliquedivisa, and T. radians.


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