The macro-morphological variation and geographical distribution of six morphologically similar taxa from the Schoenoplectus corymbosus complex with distinctly muricated nutlets (viz Schoenoplectus confusus subsp. confusus var. confusus and var. rogersii, S. confusus subsp. natalitius, S. muricinux, S. muriculatus and Scirpus corymbosus var. junciformis) were thoroughly studied. It is concluded that all these taxa are ill-defined and that alleged distinctive traits are weak or widely overlap. We therefore suggest expanding the description of S. muricinux (the binomial which has nomenclatural priority) and reducing the other species and their infraspecific taxa to synonyms of it. “S. sp. A” of Flora of West Tropical Africa (Nigeria, where it is considered a naturalized introduction of man-made habitats) is shown to also belong to S. muricinux.