Iamonico (2015a) recently described the new genus Augustea to accomodate three South American species previously included in the genus Polycarpon Linnaeus (1759: 859, 881), i.e. A. suffruticosa (Grisebach 1874: 77‒78) Iamonico (2015a: 72), A. coquimbense (Gereau & Marticorena 1995: 154) Iamonico (2015a: 75), and A. anomala (Hassler 1907: 12‒13) Iamonico (2015a: 76). In fact, these species are clearly separated from the molecular point of view (see Kool et al. 2007) and they display non-involte capsules. On the contrary, the dehiscence of capsule by valves that elastically roll inwards is unique in Polycarpon representing a synapomorphy for this genus.