A typification is presented for two names of algae described by Clemente. The types of Fucus digitatus var. pellucidus Clemente ex Colmeiro (1867: 213) and Fucus tomentosus var. fastigiatus Clemente ex Bellón (1942: 11) were designated by Cremades (1990) after the review conducted on the algal herbarium of Simón de Rojas Clemente y Rubio (1777–1827). Although both names remained unpublished, they now are preserved in the collection of nomenclatural types at the Herbarium of the University of Granada (GDA), Spain. In addition, the discovery of other old material supports the proposal of Cremades (1993) on applying the name Fucus confervoides var. macrocarpus Clemente (1807: 314) to the species now known as Chondracanthus acicularis (Roth 1806: 114) Fredericq in Hommersand et al. (1993: 117).