A new species of Salvia belonging to Salvia sect. Penellia from the state of Oaxaca is here described and illustrated. Only two species are included within this section: S. pennelli and the new species, S. robertoana. Both species are perennial herbs, with a 3-veined upper calyx lip, included stamens in the galea, late deciduous bracts, corolla tube epapillate inside, pubescent style and violet flowers. However, S. robertoana is distinguished from S. pennellii by its larger, elliptic to elliptic-oblong leaf blades (vs. blades lanceolate, oblong-lanceolate to oblong ovate) with tomentulose upper surface and pale, tomentose lower surface, and shortly decurrent base; usually longer inflorescence and shorter corolla tube and lower lip. A comparative table and an identification key of Salvia sect. Pennellia are provided.