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Type: Correspondence
Published: 2016-06-15
Page range: 294–294
Abstract views: 82
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Correction to Phytotaxa 226: Neotypification of Urostachys vorwerkii (Lycopodiaceae)

Department of Biological Sciences, Burdwan Town School, Burdwan-713101, India.
correction Urostachys vorwerkii Lycopodiaceae typification Monocots India


In a previous correspondence (Mazumdar 2015) I reported that Urostachys vorwerkii Nessel (1934: 178), Lycopodiaceae, was the earliest legitimate name for plants currently known as Huperzia arunachalensis (D.D.Pant & P.S.Pandey) Fraser-Jenkins in Fraser-Jenkins et al. (2015: 45). Due to unavailability of original specimens of Urostachys vorwerkii I selected a neotype. However, I mistakenly overlooked the photograph associated with the protologue (Nessel 1934, t. 170), which should be treated as original material. I hereby select this photograph as the lectotype and the specimen previously selected as neotype is changed into an epitype.

How to Cite

MAZUMDAR, JAIDEEP. 2016. “Correction to <em>Phytotaxa</em> 226: Neotypification of <em>Urostachys vorwerkii </Em>(Lycopodiaceae)”. Phytotaxa 265 (3):294–294.