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Type: Correspondence
Published: 2016-03-08
Page range: 77–80
Abstract views: 38
PDF downloaded: 1

Taxonomic changes in Marchantiaceae, Corsiniaceae and Cleveaceae (Marchantiidae, Marchantiophyta)

Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh EH3 5LR, United Kingdom
Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh EH3 5LR, United Kingdom
Département de Biologie, Université Laval, Québec, Canada G1V 0A6
Department of Plant Biology, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL 62901, USA
complex thalloid liverworts Athalamia Bucegia Clevea Exormotheca Marchantia Preissia Stephensoniella Bryophytes


Molecular phylogenetic studies of complex thalloid liverworts have resolved relationships that require taxonomic and nomenclatural changes. Since Bucegia and Preissia are deeply nested within Marchantia, species formerly placed in these genera are transferred to Marchantia as Marchantia romanica, comb. nov. and Marchantia quadrata, respectively, and placed in the new subgenus, Marchantia subg. Preissia, comb. et stat. nov. The families Exormothecaceae and Corsiniaceae are merged under the earlier name Corsiniaceae. The genus Stephensoniella Kashyap becomes a synonym of Exormotheca and its sole species S. brevipedunculata is transferred to Exormotheca, with the new combination Exormotheca brevipedunculata. In the Cleveaceae, the recent recognition of Clevea as distinct from Athalamia, necessitates the new combination Clevea nana to replace the name Clevea hyalina on the basis of nomenclatural priority.