In the floristic revision on the lichens of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands three more species in the family Roccellaceae are described as new to science: Chiodecton norsticticum sp. nov., Enterographa nicobarica sp. nov. and Gyrographa nigrofusca sp. nov. Chiodecton norsticticum has 7-septate small ascospores and norstictic acid. Enterographa nicobarica has simple to branched lirelliform ascomata in pseudostromata, 5–7-septate ascospores and lacking lichen substances. Gyrographa nigrofusca has simple to substellate lirelliform ascomata, 7-septate ascospores and lacking lichen substances Chiodecton norsticticum and Enterographa nicobarica are recorded on coconut palms.