The present paper deals with the typification of 25 names (11 species, 13 varieties, and one form) in the Brassicaceae, of which the majority (19 names) is in Draba. In addition, Arabis tibetica var. bucharica, A. tibetica var. pinnatifida, Eutrema potaninii, Pseudobraya kizyl-arti, Sisymbrium mollissimum f. pamiricum, and Winklera patrinoides, which are currently treated as synonyms in the genera Crucihimalaya (3 names), Draba, Eutrema, and Lepidium (one name each), are also typified. Most of the original material was collected from the five Middle Asian republics of the Former Soviet Union (especially Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan), and some other was from China, with a few syntypes of three Draba taxa originating from Asian Russia, Mongolia, Kashmir, and Sikkim.