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Type: Correspondence
Published: 2014-09-12
Page range: 151–155
Abstract views: 73
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The diatom genus Tetracyclus (Fragilariaceae, Bacillariophyta) from Chile

Department of Life Sciences, the Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road London SW7 5BD, United Kingdom
diatom Tetracyclus Fragilariaceae Bacillariophyta Chile


Ehrenberg referred only once to the diatom species Biblarium chilense Ehrenb. (1854: 301, 303, nom. nud.) in the text to his Mikrogeologie (Ehrenberg, 1854). His comments are relatively uninformative; he never published an illustration:


B[iblarium] chilense ist eine dem Bibl. compressum verwandte neue Art” (Ehrenberg, 1854: 301, and noted in the table on p. 303)


B[iblarium] chilense is a new species related to Bibl. compressum” (translation modified after Ralfs in Pritchard, 1862: 806)


Consequently the name Biblarium chilense is a nomen nudum. Even so, some years later De Toni, observing neither illustration nor specimen, transferred it to Tetracyclus as Tetracyclus (chilensis) chilense (Ehrenb.) De Toni (De Toni 1892: 749).

How to Cite

Williams, David M. 2014. “The Diatom Genus <em>Tetracyclus</Em> (Fragilariaceae, Bacillariophyta) from Chile”. Phytotaxa 178 (2):151–155.