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Type: Correspondence
Published: 2014-05-05
Page range: 143–144
Abstract views: 100
PDF downloaded: 51

New combinations in the genus Goeppertia (Marantaceae)

Instituto de Pesquisas Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro
Calathea basiflora Calathea rhizanthoides Calathea peregrina Panama


Calathea basiflora , C. rhizanthoides and C. peregrina were recently described for the Flora of Panama and because the majority of the species of Calathea are now placed in Goeppertia, the combinations for these species are hereby provided.

How to Cite

BRAGA, JOÃO MARCELO ALVARENGA. 2014. “New Combinations in the Genus <em>Goeppertia</Em> (Marantaceae)”. Phytotaxa 167 (1):143–144.