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Type: Correspondence
Published: 2014-04-04
Page range: 159–160
Abstract views: 67
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Nomenclatural observations on the genus “Bryopsidella” (Ulvophyceae, Bryopsidaceae)

University of Catania, Italy

Giovanni Furnari

Department of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences, University of Catania, Section Vegetal Biology, Via A Longo, 19, 95125 Catania, Italy

Department of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences, University of Catania, Section Vegetal Biology, Via A Longo, 19, 95125 Catania, Italy


Feldmann (1970: 249), quoting the results of Hustede (1960), who had shown that Bryopsis halymeniae Berthold (1882: 497) was the gametophyte of a Derbesia sp.[1], pointed out that this species could  not belong to the genus Bryopsis differing from it in chloroplasts with no pyrenoids and gametes without a stigma. On that basis, as well as because of its peculiar life cycle, he stated that Bryopsis halymeniae should  be considered the type of a new genus: Bryopsidella. Even though Feldmann (1970) did not explicitely propose the new combination Bryopsidella halymeniae, such a binomial was reported by Gallardo et al. (1993: 412, note 60) and by Boudouresque & Per-ret-Boudoure-sque (1987: 83).

[1]A more complete paper showing that Derbesia neglecta and Bryopsis halymeniae are phases of one species, was later published by Hustede (1964).


How to Cite

Furnari, Giovanni, and MARIO CORMACI. 2014. “Nomenclatural Observations on the Genus ‘Bryopsidella’ (Ulvophyceae, Bryopsidaceae)”. Phytotaxa 164 (2):159–160.