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Type: Article
Published: 2014-03-06
Page range: 18–30
Abstract views: 22
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Deuterocohnia meziana (Bromeliaceae): subspecies classification and the description of the new subspecies D. meziana subsp. vogtii from northern Paraguay

National Museum of Natural History Stuttgart, Germany

Nicole Schütz

Botany department
Taxonomy Deuterocohnia meziana Bromeliaceae


Deuterocohnia meziana is distributed in southeastern Bolivia, northern Paraguay and western Brazil. The xerophytic species colonizes dry, rocky slopes or outcrops. This study classifies four subspecies of Deuterocohnia meziana: (1) Deuterocohnia meziana subsp. meziana; (2) Deuterocohnia meziana subsp. carmineo-viridiflora, which has formerly been described as a variety; (3) Deuterocohnia meziana subsp. pedicellata, previously described as a separate species; and (4) Deuterocohnia meziana subsp. vogtii, a new subspecies from northernParaguay. In addition to notes on nomenclature, morphology and biogeography, a key to the subspecies is provided.