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Type: Article
Published: 2014-03-03
Page range: 294–300
Abstract views: 77
PDF downloaded: 67

Additions to the Ricciaceae flora of Rio Grande do Sul, including two remarkable records for the Brazilian liverwort flora

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Programa de pós Graduação em Botânica

Daniel Martins Ayub

Botany department, Doctoral student
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Programa de pós Graduação em Botânica

Rinaldo Santos

Botany department, Professor
Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro
liverworts Ricciaceae new records southern Brazil


The first record of Riccia boliviensis and R. iodocheila for Brazil and the first record of R. squamata and R. subplana for the liverwort flora of the state of Rio Grande do Sul are reported. The species were found during a floristic revision of the family Ricciaceae in the state. Taxonomic notes, photographs, habitat and geographic distribution are provided for each species.

How to Cite

Ayub, Daniel Martins, Rinaldo Santos, and Denise Costa. 2014. “Additions to the Ricciaceae Flora of Rio Grande Do Sul, Including Two Remarkable Records for the Brazilian Liverwort Flora”. Phytotaxa 161 (4):294–300.