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Type: Article
Published: 2014-02-24
Page range: 169–172
Abstract views: 18
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Rhynchosia bolusii (Phaseoleae, Fabaceae), a new species from the Western Cape Province of South Africa

University of the Western Cape

James Stephen Boatwright

Department of Biodiversity and Conservation Biology, Lecturer
University of Johannesburg

Annah Ntsamaeeng Moteetee

Department of Botany and Plant Biotechnology, Associate Professor
Cajaninae Cape Floristic Region Leguminosae new species Rhynchosia taxonomy


A new species, Rhynchosia bolusii, is described. It is closely similar to R. capensis in the details of its leaves and long, slender peduncles, but differs mainly in its shrubby, non-twining habit and few-flowered inflorescences. It is known only from the summit of the Great Swartberg Mountains in the Western Cape Province.