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Type: Article
Published: 2014-02-24
Page range: 121–129
Abstract views: 21
PDF downloaded: 1

Plaubelia burmensis, a new name for P. perinvoluta (Pottiaceae), with special reference to the phylogenetic relationship between Plaubelia and Hyophila

Fairylake Botanical Garden, Shenzhen & Chinese Academy of Sciences

Lihui Mao

Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Southern Subtropical Plant Diversity
Fairylake Botanical Garden, Shenzhen & Chinese Academy of Sciences

Qin Zuo

Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Southern Subtropical Plant Diversity
Missouri Botanical Garden

Si He

Fairylake Botanical Garden, Shenzhen & Chinese Academy of Sciences

Li Zhang

Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Southern Subtropical Plant Diversity
Bryophyta China Desmatodon Hyophila involuta moss taxonomy Yunnan


The new name Plaubelia burmensis (Pottiaceae) is proposed for the species currently recognized as Desmatodon burmensis and for replacing the illegitimate name P. perinvoluta. The species is reported here first time from China. A detailed description and illustrations for the species as well as a diagnostic key to the currently recognized three species of Plaubelia are provided. A phylogenetic analysis based on four DNA loci from three genomic compartments (cp rps4, mt nad5, nr ITS and nr 26S) shows that Plaubelia species are nested within the Trichostomoideae of the Pottiaceae, sister to Hyophila involuta.