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Type: Article
Published: 2014-01-16
Page range: 117–132
Abstract views: 55
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Three new species of Cymbellales (Bacillariophyceae) from Réunion Island

Université de Toulouse, UPS, INP, Ecolab (Laboratoire d’écologie fonctionnelle et environnement), 118, route de Narbonne, F-31062 Toulouse, France; et CNRS, Ecolab; F-31062 Toulouse, France
Asconit consultants, C/O PARETO, 16 rue Albert Lougnon, Village Entreprise, F-97490 Sainte Clotilde, Réunion
U.R. REQE (Réseaux, Epuration et Qualité)–Groupement Cemagref de Bordeaux, 50, Avenue de Verdun, F-33612 Cestas cedex, France
diatoms Crucicostulifera Encyonopsis Réunion Island new species


Recent surveys of the epilithic diatoms of Réunion Island led to the discovery of three new species: Crucicostulifera bebourensis, Encyonopsis cilaosensis, Encyonopsis palmeti. Crucicostulifera bebourensis is the second species to be included in this recently described genus typified by Crucicostulifera areolata (Hustedt) Taylor & Lange-Bertalot. Both species share the main diagnostic features of the genus. However, Crucicostulifera bebourensis differs from Crucicostulifera areolata (Hustedt) Taylor & Lange-Bertalot in the cingulum composed of at least three open bands whereas the latter species has a single valvocopula on each valve. Encyonopsis cilaosensis and Encyonopsis palmeti can be differentiated from other Encyonopsis species by a combination of characters including valve outline, number of striae in l0 µm, maximum length/breadth ratio, areolae structure and presence or absence of intermissio. Both new species show a particular organization of the cingulum. Crucicostulifera bebourensis occurs in acidic waters with very low conductivity and nutrient concentration. Encyonopsis cilaosensis is found in alkaline waters with high conductivity whereas Encyonopsis palmeti is reported from slighty alkaline waters with low conductivity.

How to Cite

COHU, RENÉ LE, GILLES GASSIOLE, and MICHEL COSTE. 2014. “Three New Species of Cymbellales (Bacillariophyceae) from Réunion Island”. Phytotaxa 156 (3):117–132.