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Type: Article
Published: 2013-11-01
Page range: 37–45
Abstract views: 16
PDF downloaded: 1

Fern distributional records in Christensenia (Marattiaceae), Dipteris (Dipteridaceae), and Rheopteris (Pteridaceae) from the upper Sepik of Papua New Guinea

Harvard University
Kaiserin-Augusta-Fluss Expedition mafic habitats


Christensenia (Marattiaceae) is recorded for the island of New Guinea, removing a puzzling disjunction in its documented distribution. The rarely seen Rheopteris cheesmaniae (Pteridaceae), previously represented by three specimens, is rediscovered in Sepik habitats far inland from the historical north-coastal localities. Population updates are also provided for Dipteris lobbiana (Dipteridaceae), a species found throughout Malesia but otherwise known in New Guinea only from the upper Sepik. All three ferns are surprisingly common at their new sites of occurrence.