Buddleja davidii Franchet (1887: 65), as ‘Budleia Davidi’.
Lectotype (designated here): China, Thibet, Moupan, David s.n (P-00641117!).
Three specimens are known to exist in the Muséum Nationale d’Histoire Naturelle in Paris (P). Leeuwenberg (1979) usually treated one of the specimens as the holotype, and he labelled P-00641116 as such, but in the protologue Franchet (1887) wrote: “Moupine hinc inde secus torrentes, Fol. Aug. 1869”. A handwritten label on P-00641117 states something very similar in French: “Moupin, Aout 1869, arbuste a fl. bleu ou violette, non odorante le long du torrents”. Because of this similarity, that specimen is chosen here as the lectotype.