Aniba inaequabilis (Lauraceae), a new species from Peru
Popowia arfakensis, a new name for P. parvifolia Scheff. (Annonaceae)
Largely invariant trnL-F/nrITS sequences and ISSRs do not resolve morphospecies of Warburgia (Canellaceae)
Correcting the type designations of Caryodaphnopsis baviensis and C. laotica (Lauraceae)
Anatomical, palynological and karyological remarks of Silene brevicalyx and Silene ozyurtii (Caryophyllaceae)
A new species of Verbascum, V. nihatgoekyigitii (Scrophulariaceae), from southeastern Anatolia, Turkey
Lectotypifications of 15 names of Chinese taxa in three families
Validation of the names Piper sugandhi and Piper sugandhi var. brevipilis (Piperaceae)
Beilschmiedia jacobii sp. nov. (Lauraceae), from Agasthyamala Biosphere Reserve of southern Western Ghats, India
The taxonomic revision of Asian Aristolochia (Aristolochiaceae) I: Confirmation and illustration of A. austroszechuanica, A. faucimaculata and A. yunnanensis var. meionantha from China