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REYNDERS, MARC, Ghent University, Department of Biology, Research Group Spermatophytes, K.L. Ledeganckstraat 35, BE-9000 Gent, Belgium
REYNEL, CARLOS, Herbario de la Facultad de Ciencias Forestales de la Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, Lima, Perú
Rezende, Claudia de Moraes, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
REZENDE, MARIA HELENA, Departamento de Botânica, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas (ICB), Campus II - Samambaia, Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG), 74001-970, Goiânia, GO, Brazil
REZNICEK, ANTON A., Herbarium LSA. University of Michigan. Research Museums Center. 3600 Varsity Drive. Ann Arbor MI 48102-2228. U.S.A.
RHAZI, LAILA, Research Centre of Plant and Microbial Biotechnologies, Biodiversity and Environment, Faculty of Sciences, Mohammed V University in Rabat, 4 avenue Ibn Battouta, B.P. 1014 RP, Rabat, Morocco
RIAUX-GOBIN, CATHERINE, PSL Research University: CNRS-UPVD-EPHE, UAR 3278 CRIOBE; Laboratoire d’Excellence ‘CORAIL’, University of Perpignan, Perpignan, France
Riaux-Gobin, Catherine, USR3278, CRIOBE CNRS-EPHE, University Perpignan
riaux-gobin, catherine, CRIOBE-USR 3278 CNRS-EPHE-UPVD Laboratoire d’Excellence ‘CORAIL’, F-66000 Perpignan, France
RIAUX-GOBIN, CATHERINE, PSL Research University: CNRS-UPVD-EPHE, USR3278 CRIOBE, 2 Laboratoire d'Excellence ‘CORAIL’, University of Perpignan, Perpignan, France

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