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Type: Article
Published: 2024-12-04
Page range: 261-272
Abstract views: 207
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Aristolochia pulvinata, a new species of Aristolochiaceae from Yunnan, Southwest China

Southwest Survey and Planning Institute of National Forestry and Grassland Administration, Kunming 650031, Yunnan, China
Department of Environmental Studies, New York University, New York 10012, USA
Suzhou Lianhelvyou Ecological Agriculture Development Co., LTD, Suzhou 215026, Jiangsu, China
Southwest Survey and Planning Institute of National Forestry and Grassland Administration, Kunming 650031, Yunnan, China
Management Bureau of Jinguangsi Provincial Nature Reserve, Dali 672699, Yunnan, China
Southwest Survey and Planning Institute of National Forestry and Grassland Administration, Kunming 650031, Yunnan, China
Aristolochiaceae Isotrema new species taxonomy perianth Magnoliids


Aristolochia pulvinata Yi-Fan Wang & Zhi-Jian Yin, a new species of Aristolochia subgenus Siphisia (Aristolochiaceae) from Yunnan Province, southwest China, is described and illustrated. Aristolochia pulvinata is distinguished by its unique characters: an elevated and thickened pulvinate structure in the inferior calyx limbs of its perianth. Morphologically, it resembles A. ovatifolia, A. melanocephala, A. utriformis, and A. luudamcui due to the similar thickening on the calyx limb region, but it differs in terms of degree, surface texture, color, and angle, as well as leaf morphology. This species, discovered and known only from one region, is assessed as Critically Endangered (CR) according to IUCN categories and criteria. This publication includes detailed morphological illustrations of A. pulvinata, with comparative photo plates and a table that highlights distinguishing features relative to similar species.


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How to Cite

ZHANG, HONG-LIN, YI-FAN WANG, ZI-RUI GUO, TONG ZHU, HU-HUA YANG, and ZHI-JIAN YIN. 2024. “<em>Aristolochia pulvinata</Em>, a New Species of Aristolochiaceae from Yunnan, Southwest China”. Phytotaxa 675 (3):261-72.