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Type: Article
Published: 2024-09-24
Page range: 271-281
Abstract views: 121
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New cavum-bearing Planothidium (Achnanthidiaceae, Bacillariophyceae) species from the Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia

Timiryazev Institute of Plant Physiology RAS, 35 Botanicheskaya St., 127276 Moscow, Russia. Department of Mycology and Algology, Faculty of Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University, 119234 Moscow, Russia.
Timiryazev Institute of Plant Physiology RAS, 35 Botanicheskaya St., 127276 Moscow, Russia
Timiryazev Institute of Plant Physiology RAS, 35 Botanicheskaya St., 127276 Moscow, Russia
Papanin Institute for Biology of Inland Waters, Russian Academy of Sciences, 152742 Borok, Russia
Timiryazev Institute of Plant Physiology RAS, 35 Botanicheskaya St., 127276 Moscow, Russia. Department of Mycology and Algology, Faculty of Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University, 119234 Moscow, Russia.
Timiryazev Institute of Plant Physiology RAS, 35 Botanicheskaya St., 127276 Moscow, Russia
monoraphid diatoms Planothidium new species molecular investigation Kamchatka Peninsula Algae


Two new species of the genus Planothidium isolated from a river and hot spring in the Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia, are described on the basis of morphological and molecular data. These are P. tyushovii sp. nov. and P. dyakonovii sp. nov. The new species are characterised by the presence of a covered depression in the centre of the rapheless valve (i.e., a cavum). Comparison of the new species with closely related taxa is given and the phylogenetic relationships of the Planothidium frequentissimum species group are discussed.


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